Is there something you are trying to manifest right now? Do you feel frustrated that what you want just doesn’t seem to be showing up? Or perhaps you just don’t know the secrets to calling in what you want? This interview I did with Katie Miranda (@katiemirandajewelry) can help! It’s a really valuable conversation full
How To Overcome Painful Experiences & Manifest Your Dreams – Manifesting Masterclass
What to do when the victim takes over
On today’s Cuppa With Katie I will be answering this question : “I’m am really struggling with anger, sadness, frustration and being the victim lately. I really want a happier, more balanced life which includes finding my guy, but my business and it’s responsibilities always takes over. I don’t want to stay in the victim,
You Are Not A Victim
My hope for today’s Cuppa With Katie Show is that I give you the gentle nudge or swift kick up the butt you need to take back your power and take responsibility for your own happiness. No one else will, can or should do that for you. It’s time to drop the victim energy, put
Take your power back!
I thought I would share with you how I am dealing with this new experience of ‘cocooning’ (AKA Lockdown) and have some ideas to share with you around: * acknowledging your inner victim how to take your power back the importance of a daily routine getting super choosy about what you watch, listen to and
{Love Note} I Choose to Focus on the Good
Note to self… I know the feeling of being a victim to life circumstances only too well. I remember feeling ripped off, pissed off and angry… Why did it always feel like I got the raw deal? Why did I always get let down? Why was I always the one to