Cupboard Love

Do you know what ‘Cupboard Love’ means!? Whenever I would snuggle up to my Grandma (I loved her wobbly underarms and would curl into the side of her and squeeze them!) she would say to me, “What’s this then? Cupboard love?” In other words, she would suggest that I was being loving and attentive because

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I was recently invited onto Sonia Bueno De La Torre’s ‘Soul Infused’ Talk Show to discuss the concept of receiving – what it means to me, how you do it and why. WATCH VIDEO HERE> To be honest, we needed more than 30 minutes for this conversation! It’s a big piece because most of

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I just did Polly Alexandre’s ‘Success’ Meditation and feel soooo much better. I was really feeling out of alignment (which showed up as anxiety) and needed to calm my nervous system.  I hope what I share with you today inspires you to take some time out for yourself if you know you need it. The

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