Note to self…(because sometimes we all need a reminder!) So many women I come into contact with want to know how to feel good. You may or may not want to hear the answer because it’s so shockingly simple that it just might irritate the hell out of you…..! Feeling
{Love Note} How to feel good
{Love Note} I Love to Take Inspired Action
Note to self… A subject that comes up over and over again with my clients is the habit of being busy. The need to be busy is often driven by significance – a feeling of being worthy because we have much to do. It’s also a habit. During my journey of
Day Three – Choosing to Feel Good
Have you noticed that when are in the habit of not putting yourself first, when you finally do, you can have super high expectations of it being perfect. God forbid it’s not because that’s when the victim and martyr get unleashed. Why? Because you are running on empty! You are coming from a place of