Have you noticed that when are in the habit of not putting yourself first, when you finally do, you can have super high expectations of it being perfect. God forbid it’s not because that’s when the victim and martyr get unleashed. Why? Because you are running on empty! You are coming from a place of
Day Three – Choosing to Feel Good
{Love Note} You are not required to make everyone else happy (What a relief!)
Note to self… If you are a member of The Self-Love Hubb (my free and private facebook group for truth seekers like yourself), you will know that I have been posting a video every day this week sharing my experiences of choosing to feel good every day. (Join the Self-Love Hubb HERE if
Love Note – When it comes to loving yourself, choose to be fierce!
Note to self… I bet you love others with ferocity! Right!? I bet you would do anything for anyone else? I bet you are really great at putting yourself last and making sure everyone else is ok? How would it feel to prioritise you and your needs!? Do you
The key to success {seriously!}
I bunked off work this-afternoon to eat chocolate, drink tea and watch a funny movie. I needed a laugh, a lay down and a break. I felt guilty while I did it. Why? Because, like most women, I am conditioned to believe that success is a matter of hard work. The irony? I am a