I called my Grandad in Australia this-morning. He immigrated from the UK just before I was born meaning he has lived in Australia just over a third of his life. So strictly speaking, he is more a Brit than an Aussie except for the fact that he will not leave the house without his Akubra
I woke up this morning knowing I had to make a big decision today. I felt the weight of the decision and I didn’t feel confident at all about making it. No-one could give me the answer. I just had to do what felt right. I have been part-time contracting in the City
Something I love about living in the UK is the tradition of having a roast dinner on Sunday afternoon. On my Bag List is a desire to cook more often and try new recipes as well as spend more quality time with special friends. On a Sunday, the two very neatly go hand-in-hand. So, I
Finn and I were both a bit under the weather today, so we took it easy. Popped out for some groceries but the rest of the day was spent watching films, baking (appallingly!) and pottering about the house. Taking time out to chill with Finn takes my mind off work. My work occupies
Feeling rather jaded today – far too much wine last night which has resulted in a hang-over that has progressively worsened throughout the day. How is that possible!? I am thinking it must be an age thing….! So, have been taking lots of deep breaths today to quell the rising nausea. Deep breaths were
It’s Australia Day today so I thought I would jot down all that I loved about growing up Down Under……. Paper bags of mixed lollies from the milk bar Eucalyptus lollies Hopscotch & Elastics Outdoor Swimming Carnivals My beloved Freshie Beach! Going to the beach after school School closures because it was too
When I was pregnant I came over ‘all creative’. I was in nesting overdrive and I wanted to make my new baby feel very welcome and loved when he arrived. I don’t really ‘do’ cooking, so I didn’t ever get any major drive to start baking – which many women do. Instead, I found myself
Today I was reminded – yet again – how much I enjoy my work and right now I am feeling very grateful to have discovered a way to combine my passions and highest values with a source of income. I am a lucky girl. I got so excited to see my Greetings Cards being
THANK GOD! I have finished the ‘Prison Break’ box-set. I can have my life back! Great escapism but I am sensing at a bit of a cost. Life has been rather full-on lately so I have been sneakily escaping to a fantasy world of crime, romance and excitement. It started with the odd episode here
A friend of mine gave me a quote several months ago which I recently discovered and have read a few times over the last few days. It is beautiful but I think we only ever really ‘get’ the true meaning or power of words such as these when we are really ready or really need