I would like to invite you to ponder this question for a moment: “What’s worse – the immediate pain of facing your deepest wounds or the pain of life-long unfulfillment?” It’s a stark and confronting question isn’t it. Most women do not love themselves. Most do not even really know who they are to love.
{LOVE NOTE} Why women don’t love themselves
{LOVE NOTE} Quit Self Harming
I joined a new yoga studio last week and am exploring hot yoga – loving it and so good to be back on my mat! In one of the classes I took, the teacher was gently speaking with us about practicing ‘Ahimsa’ which is a Sanskrit word meaning to not cause harm or violence to
{Love Note} Your Thoughts Are Creating Your Life
Note to self… I know you have heard it said, ‘you get what you focus on’ or ‘you get what you think about’. What I find most powerful about this truth is the importance of exploring the subconscious thoughts that are creating your reality. Our society in general is asleep. So