Note to self… Today I would like to remind you of the truth that you are not alone. You are so supported and held safe by a loving Universe. Your Spirit Guides and Angels have your back. There are people in the world that love and care for you. You
{Love Note} You are absolutely, fully, utterly supported
{Love Note} Abundance flows to me constantly
Note to self… I have coached a myriad of women for thousands of hours (literally) so I feel pretty qualified when I say that I believe there to be a very contagious disease in our society that is sabotaging happiness. The disease is called Scarcity. It’s the scarcity mindset and it causes
{LOVE NOTE & VIDEO} How To Connect To Your Vision!
Note to self… In my experience, when I am feeling niggly, off balance, judgemental of myself and others and generally not ‘happy’, my vision usually requires some attention! If I am not connected fully with my vision for my personal and professional life, I feel off kilter. When I
Love Note – Stop squishing yourself small! Unfold, unravel, stretch out & be large.
Note to self…. STOP IT! Seriously! Stop playing small! What good is it doing you? How is it serving the people you love most? Today I invite you to BE YOURSELF. Stand tall in your authenticity. Show the world who you are. Dare to take up space
{10 Steps to Happiness} Step 10 : PRAY & BE GRATEFUL! #beGrandad
In this final edition of the #beGrandad 10 top tips on how to achieve happiness, we are talking about the importance of prayer and gratitude. My wise old Grandad wasn’t particularly religious but he did pray and say gratitudes before bed and when he woke up in the morning. It was a daily ritual for