Every Monday during ‘A Month of Self Love’ I will share one of my most powerful guided visualisation with you. This will be a free download with lifetime access. In addition to the health benefits a regular meditation practice provides, my guided visualisations are a TOOL KIT that will assist you in more deeply
{A Month of Self Love} Monday Meditation
{A MONTH OF SELF LOVE} Sunday Reflection
Every Sunday during ‘A Month of Self Love’ will be a chance to reflect on your new self love behaviours and to reward yourself for your efforts throughout the previous week. CELEBRATE YOURSELF It’s rare that I meet a woman who is super comfortable with celebrating herself and her successes. So, it’s time for you
{A Month Of Self Love} Saturday Self Care
Every Saturday during our ‘Month of Self Love’ you will be invited to initiate new self care and physical wellbeing habits for the year ahead. Are you ready to dive in? A BATHING RITUAL One of my absolute favourite things to do is to indulge in a luxurious bath. My husband may complain of the water
{A Month of Self Love} Friday Forgiveness
Every Friday this month I have promised to share a Forgiveness Practice with you. Whether you need to forgive someone else or yourself, these teachings will support you in feeling more peaceful and free. I would like to guide you through a journey of forgiveness so what I share with you each week will
{A Month of Self Love} Thursday Theory
Every Thursday throughout January I invite you to join me at 1pm over in my private Facebook Group – THE SELF LOVE HUB – for a teaching on self-love. This is also a chance for you to pick my brain and ask me your questions. The replay from this week’s live teaching is above. If you are
{A Month of Self Love} Wednesday Wake-Up
Every Wednesday during our ‘Month of Self Love’ I will invite you to journal around some questions I pose to you. Journaling is a great way to connect in with yourself and get to know the REAL you – dark and light. No-one else will read what you write so you get to be
{A Month of Self Love} Tuesday Tool
WELCOME TO DAY ONE of A MONTH OF SELF LOVE Happy New Year! Every day throughout the month of January I am going to be sharing my top tips, tools and teachings to help kick-start your 2019 with the power of self-love! You may opt-in to this free
{VIDEO} Let’s talk about Perimenopause
In this interview I am joined by Sandra Peat – co-founder of communication agency ‘SuperHuman‘ – and Tanith Lee – AKA Mrs Menopause. In 20 minutes we manage to : > explain what perimenopause and menopause are; > why it’s so important to talk about this subject now; > how it can be a
{VIDEO} Live Exceptional PowerCast with JB Owen & Katie Phillips on World Menopause Day
It was such a pleasure to be interviewed on World Menopause Day by my friend, JB Owen. Our interview is above and I also invite you to check out JB’s ‘Live Exceptional’ blog by clicking HERE. In this interview I : > bust myths around menopause; > share my experience of perimenopause; >
{LOVE NOTE} How I deal with anxiety
I want to share something from my heart today and it’s a super vulnerable reveal. Ever since I was a little girl, I have worried. It was my default emotion for many many years and had me feel anxious for a very long time. In my darkest days, my anxiety would have me literally sitting