Today I am sharing another story from a recent coaching session with a client of mine which shares the importance of identifying the sabotaging stories we tell ourselves so that we can call in self-loving and empowering experiences. We discovered that my client had an unconscious addiction to experiencing pain. It was like she couldn’t
Overcoming a ‘story’ of pain and moving toward joy, ease and love….
{A Month of Self Love} Monday Meditation
Every Monday during ‘A Month of Self Love’ I will share one of my most powerful guided visualisation with you. This will be a free download with lifetime access. In addition to the health benefits a regular meditation practice provides, my guided visualisations are a TOOL KIT that will assist you in more deeply
{LOVE NOTE} Joy! Joy! Joy!
I have been so emotional this week and the predominant feeling has been JOY! I have felt really really happy and as you read on, I think you will agree that I have earned this time to celebrate. I invite you to celebrate with me! This week I’ve laughed while tears simultaneously cascaded down my
{Love Note}: I love to speak my truth
Note to self…(because sometimes we all need a reminder!) Usually when I coach or teach around ‘speaking your truth’ I am referring to having open hearted and lovingly assertive conversations or stepping into your true power (love!) to share your message with an authentic voice. Today I have a different angle for you.
{Love Note} Miracles are natural!
Note to self… As we begin a new year, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you always have access to miracles. Isn’t that a fab thought! They are not just for other people. They are not in limited supply. They are meant for you and
Love Note – Feeling good is the juice of creation!
Note to self… Your vibration attracts the same vibration. Close your eyes and remember a time in your life that caused you pain. Feel what that feels like in your body. Then, remember a time in your life that brought you great joy and happiness. Feel what that feels like