I had a client once who was adamant that she couldn’t feel. She said it was like that gene was missing for her. She didn’t get angry. She never cried. She wasn’t particularly happy either. She felt frustratingly numb without any lust for life. She also had some worrying health concerns. And, her career as
{LOVE NOTE} Feeling is the route to healing
I remember the first time I was invited to get REALLY ANGRY. A big cushion was put in front of me and a baseball bat thrust into my hands. I was taking part in The Hoffman Process and I was being given permission to fully express years of repressed dark emotions. This was such a
{LOVE NOTE} Stop ignoring your truth – it’s killing your soul
You’ve heard the term, ‘soul destroying’, right? What does that mean to you? And tell me, what is going on in your life that is causing you pain but you believe you can’t do anything about it? Is it your job? Your relationship? Your bank balance? Anything else? I remember at various stages in my
{LOVE NOTE} This is why you aren’t getting what you want
I wonder if you can relate to this… When I was in my most miserable relationships, the key pieces that kept causing me pain were lack of trust / honesty / intimacy and not feeling seen / heard / valued. Here’s the kicker – as much as I wanted to blame him (and sometimes there
{LOVE NOTE} How To Ease Your Mind
Are you feeling exhausted by the noisy, critical, fearful voice in your head? It’s relentless isn’t it.Today I have GOOD NEWS for you and I think we all need this reminder from time to time. Your mind has been designed to keep you safe. You are hard wired to always be on the look-out for danger. There
{LOVE NOTE} A Mood & Mind Enhancing Breakfast
How you choose to intentionally start your day is going to support you in having the best day possible. It’s also a beautiful demonstration of self-love. A great way to kick start a positive, energised, feel-good day is with a healthful breakfast. Several clients have asked me for my morning smoothie recipe so I filmed
{LOVE NOTE} Stop Apologising For Who You Are!
Today I would like to invite you to stop apologising for who you are. First of all, to apologise for you is incredibly disrespectful to the loving, generous, creative force that gifted you this incredible life. And it’s disrespectful to your Spirit – that part of you that chose to be here, in this form,
{LOVE NOTE} Re-Writing Your Love Stories
Today I would like to invite you to re-write your love stories. When I talk about your love stories I mean your beliefs and behaviours in every single area of your life that are (or are not) aligned with love. Those pieces not aligned with love will be aligned more to the frequency of fear
{LOVE NOTE} I’m Getting Married Tomorrow!
Today I would like to celebrate with you! Just 6 days ago, I was engaged to James on a tiny deserted island off the coast of Lombok, Indonesia. It was incredibly romantic and an enormous surprise! I am on holiday with our children and soul family and they all witnessed the proposal. It’s hard to
{LOVE NOTE} Do You Trust Yourself?
As I type this Love Note, I am astounded that I am able to access fast and stable internet because I am sat in the very remote, south west corner of the island of Lombok, Indonesia, part of which is still experiencing earthquake aftershocks. I am currently sat in a luxurious private villa –